24 hour collab was awesome! We had an awesome crew. I look forward to seeing the finished product!
I'm whipping something or a couple things up for the Newgrounds calendar! I feel confident enough in my skills to join in this year and I'm crossing my fingers!
Also, I'm thinking about animating more recently since I barely did any animating this year at all.
ALSO, ALSO, I'm really looking forward to the Toronto meet and seeing some of you sexy newgrounds cats there. I'll be there for sure! I'm not sure I really know any of the people who are going, but I've heard that the people coming are fucking awesome!
Completely unreleated to Newgrounds, I've been playing Katamari Forever on PS3, though I wish I could get it for XBOX because I hate the stupid trophies on PS3, they're so unappealing for some reason. I've also been obsessed with Breaking Bad recently. Expect some fan drawing of that at some point! Bryan Cranston is so good in his role as Walt that I forget that he was the dad in Malcom in the Middle.