After getting zero to maybe 10 messages about random shit and maybe like 1 or 2 repeated questions, I figure I should just put this out and answer those 1 or 2 questions in one shot. I really don't mean to sound like an ass, but I'm going to anyway because I'm a fucking cunt. I'm spending more time having sex than answering pms.
Here goes nothing! :3
1. MSN: I fucking love MSN and I spend like 80 gagillion hours on that shit and it's fantastic. I love talking to people and I love meeting new people. So here's my msn: Kidvicious2003 Fucking add the fuck outta me. My AIM is on the side too. AND I fucking love skype.
2. Xbox Live or Steam: I don't have xbox :[ I wish I did. I love getting online at my friend's house and just trolling the shit outta people on mic especially when I'm drunk.
3. Free Drawings: I fucking love drawing. I draw free drawings for people all the time because I love to give gifts. <3
4. Commission Inquiries: I don't want your money for a drawing I'll probably spend like an hour on. Y'know I'll probably be sent to hell right?
5. Scouting: Dude, if you make an effort and it's more than just pencil sketches, I'll more than likely scout you. Problem is, I more than likely will be de-scouted the next day because of the AMAZING scouting system on Newgrounds and how perfect it is.
6. What type of penises I use: Photoshop 7 because I'm too poor to buy CS3 and too lazy to get a cracked version of it and because I don't wanna make all my awesome brushes again. A bamboo fun tablet that I got for like $100 because my dad haggled with the store clerk like it was a market in Cuba. I also used Flash CS3 because I downloaded the trial version and then fucking cracked that shit like a mothafucka.
7. Teaching you to draw: I'm not fucking teaching you to draw. That's the bottom fucking line. You're gonna go to fucking art school like I am and learn the hard way bro. I will however give you this advice: Sleep with your teachers for good grades.
So fuck...Now that the awkward sex is over--------with, I want to say that was okay, but next time don't cry afterward. Oh, and thanks for your nice comments about buttsecks and how you picture me being sodomized. I really love those comments because they're so genuine and sincere.
Also, Flash is something I'd like to fuck over and over because it's so goddamn sexy. So, after getting the frontpager and hearing that you thought the collab was weird, I definitely plan on getting drunk and making my next flash after taking a hit of K. So thanks again! 8======D
Fuck yeah, to those done school and shit. I'm done until the 10th of January, so let's fucking get drunk, bitches.
Take THAT, Sabtastic!
Who the fuck is Sabtastic?